The Never Ending Search: Anthony Bourdain & Me

The Never Ending Search: Anthony Bourdain & Me

I went to the movie theater for the first time since 2019 and saw Roadrunner, the documentary about Anthony Bourdain!

It wasn’t a thriller. We all know how it ended. 😭😭😭

Honestly, the movie made me sad all over again. Anthony Bourdain was such a radiant light in our world.

(Quick PSA -If you are feeling suicidal – please contact the suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255)

After seeing the film, I found myself really trying to understand Bourdain’s thinking. I kept returning to a line one of his friend's said to describe him, “Tony was a searcher.”

Best Tool For Staying Present & Safe

Best  Tool For Staying Present & Safe

Not sure what the weather’s been like where you live, but in my neck of the woods, it has been scarily HOT!

When I experience these clear signs from the earth that things are not right, it can throw me into a panic. You too?

So how do we manage that?

A tool I come back to again and again is a breath that I was taught by my guru twenty years ago. It’s called the Chidakash, the heart space over the head.

Access the Heart of Acceptance

Access the Heart of Acceptance

I used to fight all the time.

Not physical altercations. Mine was more internal.

I fought against the injustices of the world, the ways that institutions and people were hurting others…

I was one of those kids who would say, “it’s not fair!”

At some point, I stopped fighting. It was SO tiring!

What I began to do instead, was accept.

Accept myself.

Accept others.

Accept the world. (Ugh, I know that sounds hard, bear with me.)

Awaken Your Real Power

Awaken Your Real Power

Last week I was interviewed by a colleague on the subject of power. She wanted to know, what is power and how do we access our personal power?

We can experience power in different ways. Two of those are internal and external power.

External Power

Think about external power as the authority we wield in the world. Typically, this kind of power comes from a role we might play. A role as parent, executive, teacher, administrator, boss, customer, politician, police officer…

This kind of power gives us agency, sometimes freedom. We often have responsibility as well as the ability to create or affect change.

Fire Up Your Imagination - 3 Tips

Fire Up Your Imagination - 3 Tips

When you were a child, did you have an imaginary friend? Did you play dress up or fantasize you lived on a spaceship?

Remember how free you once were?

What happened?

Life. Responsibilities. Being a “grown up.”

It happens to ALL of us, even the artists and the creators. Because how we believe we are supposed to live in the world, often shuts down our imagination. The good news, however, is that your imagination is fully intact! It may be a little dormant, but it’s tucked away in the attic of your mind ready to come out and play.

So what do you say? Ready to feel more inspired? Awake? Alive?

We can dismiss imagination as child’s play but the truth is that EVERY aspect of what we do is fueled by imagination, and not just for the artists either.

How to Really Solve Your Problems

How to Really Solve Your Problems

I know we think the idea of life is to not have any problems. But seriously, when has that ever been true for you?

I used to believe that, though. My continuous thought pattern went something like this: “okay when this (insert specific challenge) ends, life will be smooth and easy.”

Until finally one day I realized that thinking was an utter and complete fallacy!

Because here was how I actually lived my life: Once one issue was resolved, another sprung to take its place!

Right? Isn’t it always something?

Lessons from a Dog's Life

Lessons from a Dog's Life

Later today I have to let my dog, Rudy, go with the help of the mobile vet who is coming to our house. Rudy’s been suffering from degenerative spinal issues since May and last week was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.

He’s told me it’s time but it still feels weird and hard. Unlike a person, Rudy can’t actually say the words to me, although we did have a heart to heart a few days ago and he conveyed his intention to me. But then he felt bad and looked away. I knew he doesn’t want to leave us.

An Antidote to Frustration

An Antidote to Frustration

Have you ever had the experience that no matter how hard you work at something, you just don't seem to move the needle?

Maybe you're trying to have a breakthrough with work or school. Or striving to get to the next level with your art or sport. Maybe it's a block that simply feels insurmountable.

We've all been there - so rest assured, you are not alone.