What’s Your Story?
Why do I have the feeling you’re just like me?
Desperately want to write that story?
It took my YEARS to finally garner the courage.
It began in July, 2011, a year after my sister, Melissa, died of metastatic breast cancer. I was out of town with my husband, but he was attending a summer program all day, everyday. There were no children, no chores, no job responsibilities. For the first time in over 15 years, I was completely alone with nothing to do and no one to care for, not even the dog!
And I wondered- who am I when I’m not taking care of other people?
It had been soooo long.
I kept hearing the call – write, write, write. I’d heard it my entire life but always had an excuse - I lacked discipline, I needed a full time job, I had children…Underneath? Yeah, fear. Now it was; I don’t know how, I’m not any good, and anyway, what should I write about? After reading 3 novels that first week, I finally mustered enough courage to put pen to paper. Only everything I wrote was crap! I lacked focus. I’d start then stop. Frustrated and despairing, I collapsed onto the hardwood floor in the hallway, sobbing. That’s when I heard my sister whisper, “tell our story.”
spiritual journey
That work became the basis for a memoir about my spiritual awakening and the time I spent with Ma Jaya, my spiritual teacher / guru.
It’s called Run the Other Way: A Guru, Her Cult and My Spiritual Love Story
To put it bluntly, the book begins with me wanting to deepen my spiritual practice while also realizing my life needed to change. Thinking I’d get a fine tuning, I ended up with a complete overhaul! In other words, my life as I’d been living it completely unraveled and got re-oriented to truth, love and connection.
2. facing uncertainty
My 2nd memoir is based on an experience I had in March, 2020, when the world shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. My husband and I moved in with an elderly couple to take care fo them for 3 weeks. Tom was dying and his wife had dementia. Tom Carpenter was a beloved Course in Miracles mentor.
I quickly realized I wanted to capture the essence of this time with him, because being in Tom’s presence was a profound and life changing experience. I also thought the intersection of Covid, dying, and dementia with the teachings of A Course in Miracles was intriguing and a new lens through which to view the uncertainty of it all.
My working title is: Love Lives Here: Facing the Uncertainty of Covid 19, Dying & Dementia with a beloved Course in Miracles Mentor
Young Adult
I’ve recently completed a YA epic fantasy!
It’s about a 16-year-old heroine who, in order to fulfill a prophesy about her, has to do the unthinkable and kill the only father she has ever known!
It’s the first of what will be a trilogy. Stay tuned to learn more!
Since 2013, I have written a blog on my websites. You can see one HERE and also the other on my coaching/therapy site.
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