On the spiritual path, we’re often told that we are light, that we are love, that this light and love are always here and available to us. And yet often we don’t experience that!
In March of 2020, just as the entire world was going into lockdown because of Covid-19, I was getting ready to move in with Tom Carpenter and his wife Linda, who had been Course in Miracles teachers and mentors for decades. They needed support and my husband and I had volunteered.
As is want to happen to me before I venture into these kinds of new endeavors, I had trepidation. I really wanted to go because I knew being with these people would change my life, but a part of me was also afraid.
Each day in the week leading up to us moving in with them, I would meditate and immediately see the same imagery:
I’m standing in a dark passageway, a door straight ahead. Standing on either side of the door are my Indian guru, Neem Karoli Baba, and Jesus Christ. Through the opening is a blinding light.
I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but every day during meditation it persisted, even after we moved in with Tom and Linda.
Once with them, we quickly settled into a daily routine. One of these was what Tom dubbed our “God Talks,” a time in which we would read a lesson from A Course in Miracles, discuss it, then sit together in silence.
Often, as I would close my eyes to meditate, I’d find myself in that same hallway, the illumination through the doorway still ahead of me. Only every day, I inched closer and closer to the light. Until one day my nose pierced the threshold! I remember immediately asking for help, wanting to fully step inside.
The next day as my eyelids shut, I was there! Not only my nose, but my entire being was in a light filled field. And just as I realized that, my body completely dissolved and I became one with the light.
In this field, anyone I wanted to be with – especially if they were no longer in form- I could ask to appear and they would.
This place of light, I think of as the cave of my heart. It’s the place I return to again and again for respite, recharging and solace.
Why don’t you try?
Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through some kind of hallway or gateway.
What does it look like?
See the light ahead of you.
Keep walking towards it until you arrive.
Allow yourself to be enveloped by it.
Rest in this place.
This is your divine inheritance. Your call home. We all have access to this place. Simply allow yourself to have the experience. It’s waiting for you.
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Image courtesy of Won Young Park on Unsplash