Your Theme for 2025

A few years ago, my daughter turned me onto the idea that there's a Major Arcana Tarot card that informs the overarching energy for the year on a global scale. She now has a business offering astrology and Tarot card readings! (​click here to learn more​)

One way to think about this is that the card sets a tone for the year on a world-wide level.

To determine which card is being activated is simple. Add the numbers of the year together. So, for this year it would be: 2+0+2+5=9

The Card that correlates with the number 9 is the card of the HERMIT.

What first comes to mind when you think hermit?

This is an archetype that I deeply identify with. Perhaps because it’s an energy that feels relevant in my life, me being more of an introvert and contemplative. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

What are qualities you think of when you feel into the hermit?

  • Solitude

  • Reflection

  • Quiet

Embracing the hermit archetype, can certainly offer opportunities for reflection- on our lives as well as others lives.

Is this moment asking you to do a review of last year?

Of what or how you may want to adjust to this new one- both internally and externally?

What skills did you learn or gain?

Wins? Losses?

Is there anything asking for your attention?

Another invitation of the hermit, is to seek wisdom. Afterall, the hermit doesn’t go into a cave or the wilderness just because or to binge watch Netflix, but rather to deep dive into knowledge, insight, clarity.

Is there something you would like to understand more clearly?

On a larger macro scale, is this archetype asking you to be a protector of knowledge for posterity? Is there a calling to share knowledge gained with the world?

Allow yourself to simply open to this energy and see where it wants to take you.

Enjoy the silence, the serenity and quietude of the hermit. Ask to be shown what and how this energy wants to come into your life.

You might be surprised.

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Image courtesy of Jackie Hope in Unsplash