What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

Recently I had a conversation with someone that left me feeling uncomfortable, like I hadn’t succeeded in getting my point across well. As the afternoon ticked by, I felt my emotions shift, and I did my best to ignore and push away that internal roiling.

It wasn’t until the next day that I realized I’d fallen into an old story about myself. One that I’d probably decided to believe when I was a girl. It went something like this: “I’m bad at living in this world and asserting myself. Everyone else is so much better at it than I am.”

3 Ways to Deepen into Gratitude

3 Ways to Deepen into Gratitude

The month of November is always the month I return to gratitude. Of course, it’s because of Thanksgiving. It’s my annual reminder to return again to gratitude.

And as I circle back around to focusing on gratitude, I’ve been reexamining the studies behind it.

Here are the top 3 takeaways:

Asking the Wrong Question?

Asking the Wrong Question?

Do you sometimes have that nagging thought, the one that hounds you and tells you there's something wrong with you?

The thought that says if you were somehow different, life would be easier. You'd get the perfect soul mate, be abundantly wealthy, in great shape, have your perfect career...

Yes, that thought.

You have it too?

But what if it wasn't true?

What Spiritual Stage Are You In?

What Spiritual Stage Are You In?

Wondering where you might be on your spiritual journey?

I recently stumbled on an insightful tool called The 4- Stages of Spiritual Development. It was created by Michael Beckwith. I love his work. He is a profound spiritual presence, thinker and speaker and runs the mega-ministry of Agape in Los Angeles.

Here are his 4 stages:

How to Make the Unconscious Conscious

How to Make the Unconscious Conscious

The Covid-19 crisis and the Black Lives Matter protests, are showing us - up close- that we need to see and acknowledge the pain and suffering people have been experiencing.

And take a stand.

One way we can do this is by making the unconscious conscious.

We can do this both within our own selves, as well as within the larger society, by shedding light on the ways hurt, favoritism, racism and bigotry have been institutionalized.

Experiencing Grief? This Can Help

Experiencing Grief? This Can Help

All of us are experiencing a form of collective grief from this corona virus, mourning the way we once lived – leaving the house without a thought to donning a mask, attending events, visiting friends, traveling, going into the office...

In addition to the weight of this collective grief, many of us have personal tragedies on top of that. Loss of a loved one, a job, financial security, etc.

And whatever happens next, we know it will be different.

Radiate Peace with This Prayer

Radiate Peace with This Prayer

You know when you get a song stuck in your head?

Well, these days instead of a tune, it’s a prayer:

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Maybe you’re familiar with it, from a yoga class?

When we chant these sounds we are saying:

  • May all beings be happy.

  • May all beings know peace.

  • May all beings be free from suffering.

  • And that includes us.

We cannot wish something for another without receiving it for ourselves as well.

Ready for More Resilience? 5 Tips

Ready for More Resilience? 5 Tips

How’s your resilience?

Given the level of uncertainty we are living in, perhaps you are feeling challenged.

Resilience, like most things, is a muscle, and it benefits from strengthening.

If you feel like you want to fortify your resilience, here is my top 5 list:

1. Carry On Regardless

This is the theme of a Van Morrison song off the album Magic Time. In it, Van rants about the hypocrisies of the world , but also reminds us to carry on to “satisfy your soul.”