Ready to Deepen Into Faith?

Ready to Deepen Into Faith?

Are you ready for some faith?

That’s this week’s advent theme.

What exactly is faith?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, here are the definitions:

1. Allegiance to duty or a person; loyalty (lost faith in someone or something)

2. Fidelity to one’s promises; sincerity of intentions (acted in good faith)

3. Belief and trust in and loyalty to God; Belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion

4. Firm belief in something for which there is no proof

5. Complete trust

6. Something that is believed especially with strong conviction

We bat this word around – especially those of us on a spiritual path.

Season of Hope

Season of Hope

Did you know that the 1st week of December is the week of hope?

According to advent, a Christian tradition of preparation, it is!

I don’t know about you, but my association with advent are those fun children’s calendars. Remember them? You know those cute posters with little doors and windows that open for every day of December, and often hold little surprises behinds them.

But apparently there’s much more to advent than candies behind closed doors.

Advent invites us to slow down and reflect.

3 Ways to Celebrate the Fall Season

3 Ways to Celebrate the Fall Season

Did you enjoy the equinox?  

Good news because the fall celebrations continue!

Everywhere folks are welcoming in the harvest. In India, it’s Durga puja- the celebration of the Mother. And in the Jewish tradition, it’s the new year and the days of atonement, otherwise known as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

This time of year always feels like new beginnings to me. Maybe it’s the decades I spent as a student and then a teacher, but the fall is definitely a transition time.

There is a closeness to God now, and we see it actualized in many faiths. The veil is thin.

The spring and summer were all about outward expression, and now, as we have reaped the rewards from nature, it’s time to turn within.

Why Failure is Actually Your Road to Success

Why Failure is Actually Your Road to Success

What is it about failing that feels so hard?

Is it perfectionist syndrome?

Has our society become so risk averse we’re all afraid of looking stupid? Inadequate?

Because this fear of failure, is pervasive!

Students unwilling to raise their hands lest they appear ignorant.

Employees afraid to ask for help, concerned they’ll look incompetent.

When I find myself stymied by the fear of failure, I always go worst case scenario.

Time to Release Trauma

Time to Release Trauma

Isn’t the physical body truly remarkable?

And the more we learn about it, the more we see how interconnected our physical body is to our emotional well being. Right?

Thanks to neuroscience, we now know that the body stores stress, memories, and trauma.  

In part because the physical body is always present!

Think about it – whether you’re watching a movie or sleeping, working on the computer or making a speech – regardless of where your attention is, your body is present in that physical space.

It’s like the silent witness. 

Which is why, it’s even more important than ever to work with the body when a trauma occurs; from something small like a rejection to something big like a car accident or physical violence.

Yes, it’s vital to talk about what happened and process your thoughts and emotions. But don’t forget to support your body in that healing work.

What Feeds You?

What Feeds You?

The other day I was talking to a young woman who’s been living in the city for a while. On a work trip recently she visited a sleepy town surrounded by national forest. While there, she realized the city was no longer feeding her.

More and more I hear that. And it echoes my own experiences.

I crave nature- trees, water, silence.

How about you?

When life pulls at you, demanding your time and energy, it’s SO easy to feel depleted. Then what do you do? Sleep for a week? Binge watch Netflix?

Instead, think about what FEEDS you?