Season of Hope — Shakti Sutriasa


Season of Hope

Did you know that the 1st week of December is the week of hope?

According to advent, a Christian tradition of preparation, it is!

I don’t know about you, but my association with advent are those fun children’s calendars. Remember them? You know those cute posters with little doors and windows that open for every day of December, and often hold little surprises behinds them.

But apparently there’s much more to advent than candies behind closed doors.

Advent invites us to slow down and reflect.

What a stark contrast to all of the other messaging this time of year!

Crowded shops, cars filled with gifts, pressed time for decorating, awkward family conversations…

Instead (or perhaps in addition) what if we consciously chose to slow down and remember what’s really important right now?

Advent offers weekly themes for December too.

This first one is hope.

  • What do you hope for?

  • How is hope showing up in your life right now?

  • What is hope trying to show you today?

A cool activity I just discovered is to make an advent wreath – with specific candles – that all have meaning too! Check it out:

Advent Wreath-3.png

Spend a few minutes or the rest of the week reflecting on hope. As the week’s unfold, I’ll share the other themes of advent with you.

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