Ready to start 2021 off right? Here’s one of my MUSTS for starting a new year with intention, guidance and inquiry - vision boards.
But this year I have a twist!
I created a new thing- a Soul Vision Board!!!!!
Wanna know more?
On the spiritual path, we’re often told that we are light, that we are love, that this light and love are always here and available to us. And yet often we don’t experience that!
In March of 2020, just as the entire world was going into lockdown because of Covid-19, I was getting ready to move in with Tom Carpenter and his wife Linda, who had been Course in Miracles teachers and mentors for decades. They needed support and my husband and I had volunteered.
A few years ago, my daughter turned me onto the idea that there's a Major Arcana Tarot card that informs the overarching energy for the year on a global scale. She now has a business offering astrology and Tarot card readings! (click here to learn more)
One way to think about this is that the card sets a tone for the year on a world-wide level.
To determine which card is being activated is simple. Add the numbers of the year together. So, for this year it would be: 2+0+2+5=9
Ready for a New Year’s exercise?
It’s to make a vison board – but with a twist.
I’m sure you know that I LOVE making vision boards. Perhaps you’ve even made one with me in the past!
**If you’re new to vision boards, click here to get my how-to download.**
Making a traditional vision board is fun, inspiring, & a wonderful exercise in intentionality. It gets you thinking about every aspect of your life – from your health, wealth, learning, fun…
Have you noticed that certain times of year evoke different feelings or orientations?
For me, it’s about LIGHT, about opening to it and receiving it.
How do you define light?
Perhaps you think about it as: inspiration, healing, divinity, truth, love- or something else.
Whatever your definition of light, the dark days of December seem to call for a kindling of that spark, a nourishing of our inner light.
Here’s a simple one: How would you complete this sentence?
Last week I began an online class focused on the arc known as the Hero’s Journey. If you’re at all familiar with the mythologist, Joseph Campbell and his work, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about!
Essentially, the idea is that we are all the hero of our own story, and within our lifetimes are invited, encouraged, urged, and sometimes dragged onto a journey of self-transformation.