Embracing the Mess

Embracing the Mess

The other day, I was talking to one of my daughters who was sharing her desire to embrace the messiness of life.

Since that chat, I’ve found myself thinking about this idea because, let’s face it, life is messy!

Yet we so often put expectations on ourselves to be pristine, perfect, unruffled.

Can you relate?

Do you find yourself compulsively cleaning before a friend comes over? Or self-conscious about the way you’re eating? Wanting to look neat and delicate. 

Perhaps it’s time for a reframe.

Defining Success - 4 Questions

Defining Success - 4 Questions

I have a client who, according to her, has the ideal life. She has her own business, doing something she loves. She has help with her child, and a supportive husband who financially bears the load of their life, and emotionally encourages her to pursue her passion. 

She doesn’t feel successful.

When I talk with her, I’m reminded of myself and a similar internal struggle I had for years! That persistent feeling that success alluded me.

Sound familiar?

Breathing: A Tool for Clarity

Breathing:  A Tool for Clarity

Do you have a go-to strategy when you find it hard to concentrate and your brain feels fuzzy?

Or when you can’t seem to figure out what to do next, or what direction to move towards?

When I’m in that place, it sometimes feels like I’m spinning in circles, directionless, blind to possibility.

However, when I REMEMBER to use this tool (!), a breathing exercise, it can really make a difference.


Covid Journey: Healing from the Inside Out

Covid Journey: Healing from the Inside Out

Since the end of October, I’ve been struggling with aftereffects from Covid-19 and today I felt guided to share my healing journey with you.

Sometime in mid-October, I contracted Covid. As with many of us, I wasn’t exactly sure how I got it. I was traveling overseas and didn’t confirm I was positive until I returned home! After quarantining for ten days, and finally testing negative, I was ready to move on with my life!

Ha Ha.

This was my first encounter with a long-term illness, something you may live with or have experienced at some point in your life. To you, I offer my deepest condolences. You are indeed a brave warrior.

Each time I’d think I was finally better and could get BACK to my life, I’d have some kind of relapse. Mostly with a blanketing sense of fatigue that would descend like a band across my eyes. That’s when I knew I couldn’t keep going.

This went on for weeks that turned into months.

How to Reframe that Negative Thought

How to Reframe that Negative Thought

I have this mp3 track of Louise Hay called 101 Power Thoughts for Life. At the beginning of it she says, “the thoughts we think and the words we speak are constantly shaping our world and our experiences. Many of us are in an old habit of negative thinking and do not realize the damage we have inflicted upon ourselves. However, we are never stuck because we can always change our thinking.”

Riding the Manifesting Wave

Riding the Manifesting Wave

Sometimes it’s fun to sprinkle in a little astrology… why? Because those GIANT orbs in the sky actually affect us here on earth.

January thus far may have had its fits and starts, but good news is a foot! Beginning on January 28th when Uranus ends its retrograde, there will be NO major planets backspinning from now until April 1st!!!!

Why does this matter?

The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

In this time of giving, I’m reminded of a lesson from A Course In Miracles, “to give and to receive are one in truth.”

Initially, this can seem like an impossible statement, because if I have a sweater and I give it to you, then I no longer have that sweater, right?


But what if, on an energetic level, giving and receiving were the same thing?

Quan Am, the Goddess of Compassion, is Calling.

Quan Am, the Goddess of Compassion, is Calling.

For a number of years now, I’ve had this connection to the White Goddess. I first identified her as White Tara, Buddhist goddess of healing and compassion. But on my recent trip to Vietnam, I learned of a new white goddess, Quan Am. The Vietnamese version of Kwan Yin, the Boddhisattva of compassion

If you are unfamiliar with the Sanskrit term, bodhisattva, or bo tat in Vietnamese, it refers to a Buddhist concept of devoting your life to easing the suffering of others. A Boddhisattva vows to help release all sentient beings from suffering before being truly liberated.

Celebrate Samhain & Move Between Worlds

Celebrate Samhain & Move Between Worlds

This entire month, I’ve been kinda obsessed with the idea of the veil. Meaning the veil between worlds, or the veil that hides the truth from us.

In Hinduism, the goddess Kali is known to rip this veil from our eyes, to help us see the truth. Another way of thinking about it is that the goddess Maya is cloaked in the veil of illusion, which, in truth is as gauzy as a wispy cloud.

While I appreciate the imagery of both of these, the visual that has always, always, always speaks to me is the mists of Avalon. There the priestess stands in the prow of her boat and parts the mists, thus allowing her to enter the island of Avalon. Whereas, the others who are incapable of this feat wander forever lost in the gloam.