dealing with sciatic pain

Body Aches & Memories

Body Aches & Memories

I’ve had sciatic pain in my left leg for over 20 years. There’ve been times when it was excruciating, times when it was a continual dull ache, and times when I’ve barely felt a thing.

For some reason, it flared up recently. And even after I went to my massage therapist for her usual magic which LITERALLY makes the pain go away for months, it came right back!

That got me thinking about the chiropractor Dr. Scott Walker. He’s the founder of NET- Neuro-Emotional Technique of which I am a certified practitioner (learn more here).

The story Dr. Walker likes to tell about how he came upon this technique was that he was manipulating a patient, and the next week she returned with the same pain! This got him thinking that there must be something else going on besides his patient needing a physical adjustment. He stumbled into the recognition that we hold emotions in our physical tissue.