I worked with a shaman a while back, and one of the ideas that’s really stuck with me is the notion that I (and by extension, you) are the temple, the sacred space, the church, the seat of power.
It lives in you.
I know it sounds weird, and it’s taken me a bit to get it. But the idea is that there isn’t any holy place outside of you that you need to visit in order to experience something transcendental.
That space is actually within you.
I was reminded of this the other day, that I/we are the temple, and that wherever I/we go, there is peace, love, holy presence.
But how, then, do we remember this?
How, too, do we honor ourselves as holy?
And lastly, how do we embrace this truth about ourselves?
Sometimes when we ask these kinds of questions, the answers feel impossible. “I can never aspire to that…,” we say to ourselves.
We place accepting this or actualizing it as something far out of our reach, or unattainable.
But what if it was as simple as a smile? Stopping to look that stranger in the eye and greet them, from one heart to another.
Remembering this truth is truly as quick as a breath.
It’s the inhalation that grounds you into the present moment.
Do it right now. Take a deep breath.
Now choose to be fully here in this moment and not in a past thought or future fear.
See how fast you can make that switch?
Next, how can you honor yourself, your body as this temple of holiness?
The answer I’m hearing is to be loving.
What does that mean to you?
How can you be more loving, more respectful of yourself right now?
What do you need?
More rest? More water? A long walk? A hot shower? A dinner date?
How can you more lovingly take care of yourself right now?
What is 1 way?
Lastly, how can you embrace this truth yourself, that you are indeed holy?
Again, it’s not complicated.
Try this thought experiment:
Think about what you want, what you would like to experience in the world.
Perhaps it’s more peace or more kindness from the people around you.
Now, how can you embody that? How can you show up today and be peace? Be kindness?
Peace is here because you are here.
Kindness is here because you are here.
Love is here because you are here.
Compassion is here because you are here.
Allow yourself to relax into this idea that indeed, it is you who is the temple.