I'm Shakti - Writer, Artist & Meditation Teacher.
I’m passionate about embodying the sacred in everyday life
and sharing this through words, art & direct experience.

I’m also a Life Coach and Therapist (LICSW) - click here to learn more

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New from the Blog: The Doorway to Freedom

On the spiritual path, we’re often told that we are light, that we are love, that this light and love are always here and available to us. And yet often we don’t experience that!

In March of 2020, just as the entire world was going into lockdown because of Covid-19, I was getting ready to move in with Tom Carpenter and his wife Linda, who had been Course in Miracles teachers and mentors for decades. They needed support and my husband and I had volunteered.

As is want to happen to me before I venture into these kinds of new endeavors, I had trepidation. I really wanted to go because I knew being with these people would change my life, but a part of me was also afraid. 

Each day in the week leading up to us moving in with them, I would meditate and immediately see the same imagery: READ MORE

Image courtesy of Won Young Park on Unsplash

We acknowledge that the land on which we live and work is the traditional land of the first people of this area, the Suquamish people past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Suquamish tribe.